New Character Designs: Treem


New character designs received from Naresa: Treem. These are my 33, 34, 35 and 36th designs received (on about 130+ designs in the end game).

The characters have been done by the designer on Photoshop for the sketches, on Adobe Illustrator for the colouring and it will be later animated with Spine 2D. The characters will be then imported on the game thanks to Spine runtime library usable with Libgdx.

The character below is Treem, the robot monster (monbot) you can encounter on the map:

You can fight this wild character and if you weaken it enough, you might succeed to scan him. Upon successful scan, you will be able to equip yourself with the corresponding armour.

Thus, your armour of Treem will be the one below:

After scanning other Treem monbots and after gaining experiences on this armour, this specific equipment might evolve.

The first evolution of Treem hero armour is displayed just here:

And the final evolution of this armour is this one: